Saturday, August 4, 2007

Out to Lunch

I met up with some friends after their study class today on The Advent of Divine Justice. (Man, do I ever wish I could have signed up for that class! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for another offering.)

Anyhoo, John, Matt, Maryam and I decided to head up to Merkaz Ha'Carmel for some lunch. We caught a sherut at Golomb Gate and away we went to Greg's for some food and coffee.

I suppose my favourite part was when John decided to try the Balkan sandwich, which came accompanied by an egg on the side. Literally. The waitress brought a sliced egg in a little bowl, saying that most people don't like the egg directly on their sandwich. Go figure. I asked John how the sandwich was and he mentioned it tasted oddly of strife and tension. Oh, those Balkan states, such politics...

After lunch Maryam and Matt wanted to stop for waffles, but being extremely full of spicy chicken tortillas and political turmoil, John and I passed and walked home instead. It was an absolutely gorgeous day to walk along the Dan Panorama overpass and head across to Terrace 19. On a clear day you can see straight across the bay to Akka, and today was no exception. Breathtaking - I almost wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming, that I was actually in Haifa looking out over the bay. Some days I don't really believe that I'm here, that I'm going to wake up and this whole thing will have been a glorious dream.

At that point John started in on a rant about the inherent evils of speed bumps, and I was brought right back down to earth. The gist of the conversation is that speed bumps are pure evil and we must do all we can to destroy them. (That's what I got from the conversation; I think I have some weird friends, but I love them anyway.)

We will all have to do lunch again soon; I do so love general excursions into the surreal...

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