Sunday, August 12, 2007

Being sick sucks

I've been pretty sick on and off the past few weeks, and I gotta tell you, it royally sucks.

I'm lying in bed as I write this, trying to calm the plethora of butterflies that seem to have taken up permanent residency status in my stomach and lower intestines. It is so uncool to be sick so frequently here.

I gotta say, if your digestive system is not working properly, nothing feels like it's working properly.

All I want to do is go to the office, sit at my desk, answer my emails, and not pass out or vomit up a lung. Is that so much to ask? I think it's the stress of the job, coupled with the intense heat here in Israel that makes my stomach want to jump and roll over itself continually, making it very difficult to get anything accomplished. I also have to grapple with the increasingly frequent bouts of dehydration, which sneak up very quickly here if you're not careful. And perhaps I'm not as careful as I should be, but I'm just not used to so much heat and the amount of water we have to drink in a day to combat it, so things go pretty kaflooey pretty quickly.

Well, all I can say is, I shall be much better prepared for the onslaught of heat next summer. Now if I can only figure out how to 'destressify' the job...

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