Friday, January 25, 2008

Freeing Myself Through Music

I have decided that I really want to learn to play the guitar.

I already have the guitar, I recently restrung it with Robert's help, I have figured out how to tune it, now all I need to do is learn how to play it! :)

I have picked the songs I would like to learn, but I think I'm getting ahead of myself. I should probably learn a couple of chords first before I try to master any sort of songs. Hmmm...

Here's a list of songs I am currently in love with and play non-stop on the ipod:
The Fear You Won't Fall by Joshua Radin
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer
Flake by Jack Johnson
Lose Control by Maria Mena
When Susannah Cries by Espen Lind

It's pretty cool - the last two artists are Norwegian; I've been introduced to them by Synnove, who's been living at my flat while on pilgrimage right now. This stuff is gold!

So at this point I'm just having a blast listening to new music, trying my voice out on some old songs, and really just enjoying being in the moment. Music is so freeing and allows for such an emotional release that I can't seem to get enough right now!

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