Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bridal Shower!

Corinne and I hosted a bridal shower for Carla today! It was sooo much fun!!
We had everyone over to my flat since I have a rather large living room, and a bunch of ladies showed up for the party. Excellent times...
We played some cute bridal shower games, nothing too demeaning or anything - Carla's very sweet and doesn't ever want anyone to be embarrassed. My favourite was the recipe for a happy marriage game. Basically I just gave everyone index cards and we all wrote down our 'recipes' for a good marriage. Everyone got really creative!
I wrote a poem for the occasion:
Roses are red
Grass is so green
When you are married
You get to be Queen
(So make the most of it!) HAHA!

Now all I have to do is put together the scrapbook for the occasion and give it to Carla once she and Adam return from the States. (They're heading back home to get married, rather than get married in the Holy Land. Better that the family can all be there.)

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