Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Technology Eludes Me No Longer!

I have finally figured out to link my friends' blogs to my own.
And it's only taken me three months to do.

I know, I know, the term is technologically impaired, I'm seeking counselling...

But lucky you, now you can see into the souls of some of my closest friends. There are some pretty cool people that I happen to be friends with, and they lead lives as exciting and eventful as mine!

The irony of that statement hits me like a grand piano dropped from a fifth storey window. (I'm trying to add some hyperbole to an otherwise dull post. Is it working?)

Sometimes I feel like my life is completely uneventful, but then I only have to glance at previous posts and I am reminded that sometimes my life is like an out of control freight train with me at the helm. And I don't know anything about trains.

But life is good, this is the gist of my post here.

"Life is what happens to you on the way to somewhere else."

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