Monday, September 10, 2007

Games Night at Bracha Habas

Every Monday night there is a reoccuring event here at the World Centre. I'm not talking about a class or a devotional or anything - I'm talking about games night. That's right, it's a games night. I've heard tell of it for awhile now, but never got a chance to go. Until now.

Tonight was my first visit to Bracha Habas and the mythical games night, but wouldn't you know it, the boys had uploaded the recent Giants-Cowboys NFL match from yesterday and that took precedence over all else. Us girls relegated ourselves to the kitchen to make burgers and salad, while the boys hooted at the computer screen. Sometimes I wonder if we're really breaking gender stereotypes here at all... :)

All in all, it was pretty fun. The large group games were preempted for the football game, but we still had a good time playing Hearts in smaller groups. There was also a small Scrabble contingent that I might join next time. Plus, if we're a large group next time, I'm going to teach everyone the Maroussia Game - it's basically a cross between Charades and Taboo, but a whole lot more fun than you might think.

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