Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blistered, Battered, and Bruised

Today was the tech rehearsal for the Ihtifal play, and am I ever exhausted! Turns out I'm stage managing the show, running around backstage making sure everything is set up properly. It's been a whirlwind of a time getting this thing ready to perform, but I think we're close to ready.

The sets are all painted and attached and in the space - I think they look particularly awesome. Isidro, May, Dave and I spent an inordinate amount of time and energy making these sets sparkle. And I think we've succeeded.

I may be blistered, I may be bruised, I may be absolutely beyond tired, I may have almost shot myself through the leg with a staple gun, but I think it may all have been worth it. We shall see what tomorrow brings - we have the final dress rehearsal tomorrow afternoon, and none of my stage crew have any idea what props they are assigned to bring on, but we're just going to wing it and have a marvellous time doing it.

I will be posting the photo diary I have been keeping of the process we've been going through. I can't post it until after the show though - no spoilers! We want everyone to be flabbergasted by the sets and props and costumes, so no peeking. :)

Soon, though, very soon...

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