Making dinner beforehand (mmmmm, tortillas!)
Just hanging out on the Moon Couch
Last nineteen day 'fest' was Kent's birthday. Happy B-day buddy!!
Always make sure you have enough ice cream... :)
Making dinner beforehand (mmmmm, tortillas!)
Just hanging out on the Moon Couch
Last nineteen day 'fest' was Kent's birthday. Happy B-day buddy!!
Always make sure you have enough ice cream... :)
"The letter refutes recent statements by Iranian officials, who say Baha'i students in Iran face no discrimination - despite the fact that more than half of the Baha'i university students enrolled last autumn were gradually expelled over the course of the 2006-2007 academic year."
Please follow this link for more information on the government memorandum:
Following in the wake of this distressing news, it has now been categorically confirmed that Iranian Ministry officials are actively trying to keep Baha'i students from receiving higher education. Out of over 1,050 Baha'is to sit for their entrance examinations this year, over 800 did not received their test scores back, saying they were deemed "incomplete". This means that none of those students were able to apply for university entrance for the 2007-2008 school year.
In a letter dated 9 September 2007, the Universal House of Justice, the supreme administrative body for the Baha'i world, wrote to the Baha'i youth in Iran encouraging them to stand firm during this exceedingly difficult period of time. The three page document states:
"These official acts are disappointing and shameful," wrote the Universal House of Justice. "This action of the government in obstructing youth, Baha'i or otherwise, from access to higher education stands in contrast to the noble history of Iran's past attainments."
The Universal House of Justice asks the youth of Iran to remain resolute in their convictions, steadfast in their faith, and ever-patient in the face of overwhelming government opposition. They are to:
"With an illumined conscience, with a world-embracing vision, with no partisan political agenda, and with due regard for law and order, strive for the regeneration of your country. By your deeds and services, attract the hearts of those around you, even win the esteem of your avowed enemies,"
Please follow this link for more information about the letter sent to the Iranian Baha'i youth:
I post this information here in the hopes that people will read it, and their eyes will be opened to the injustice happening in the world around them. We all need to actively strive for the betterment of the world and its populace, and to do so we all need to be aware and informed about current oppression and tyranny. It is my wish that any and all university students back home in Canada, as well as Canadian government officials, will rise to the challenge and step forward to denounce these shameful acts of the Iranian government towards the Baha'i youth of its country.
(Please note - I am not, in any way, trying to degrade the name of Islam or any its tenets. The above-mentioned acts are being perpetrated by a extremist regime within the Iranian goverment, which is in fact a Muslim theocracy, but these vicious acts towards the Baha'is should not sully the illustrious history of the Islamic faith worldwide.)
All the Brazillians and me!
Khatereh, Heranush, me and Ezra
I just realised every single one of these pictures has me in it, but it's my blog, so whatever!
Tonight was my first visit to Bracha Habas and the mythical games night, but wouldn't you know it, the boys had uploaded the recent Giants-Cowboys NFL match from yesterday and that took precedence over all else. Us girls relegated ourselves to the kitchen to make burgers and salad, while the boys hooted at the computer screen. Sometimes I wonder if we're really breaking gender stereotypes here at all... :)
It's been six months; I feel like I should probably introduce y'all to my flatmates here in Israel.
Khatereh E.
Kiwi from New Zealand
Here for a year interning in the Research Dept.
Younger than me by a couple of years
Super serious and intense (awesome)
One of the wisest souls I've ever encountered - wise beyond her years
Luisa H.C.
Here you will find a window to my creative soul. I will be funny, I will be serious, I will be ridiculous, but above all, I will be real. This is not a "Baha'i" blog, although I am a Baha'i. This is simply a forum for my own opinions and observations about life, religion, love, issues, things in general.