Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There's a Praying Mantis on my fern...

Actually, the title of the post sums the situation up pretty well. I found a praying mantis living on my fern. I guess it makes sense since it's in the living room. (BWHWHAHAA!)

Ok, seriously though, he was pretty cool to look at. I was watering the fern when I saw some movement towards the bottom, and when I looked closer, it turned out to be a small, off-white praying mantis climbing up one of the fronds. Neat, but I already have two flatmates and would prefer not to have one of the insect variety.

I grabbed a piece of paper and nudged him onto it, whereby I gently let him out the living room window onto our air conditioner box. He's in God's hands now; I just hope the cats don't get him...

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