Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stopping to Smell the Roses...or Hibiscus...

I was behind the Seat today, walking back from Bracha Habas. There are a bunch of hibiscus trees that line the walkway, and the flowers are a glorious shade of red. While stopping to savour them, I noticed something rustling in the leaves. Out popped a gorgeous little hummingbird!

The hummingbird was definitely female, since she wasn't brightly coloured, but she was still beautiful. She was flitting around from flower to flower, zipping back and forth across the pathway. She nipped behind each hibiscus and drank some nectar, then she flew off.

It was nice to take some time and just enjoy being out and about in Israel. Sometimes it's easy to forget where I am and why I'm doing this job, but it's times like these when I really feel like I'm in the Holy Land.

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