Friday, November 23, 2007

ESP (no, not the sports channel...)

My mom and I are psychically connected.

I know, I know, scary but true!

I've been rather fluish and sick the past days, and on Wenesday I called home to Mom because I like to whine to my parents when I'm ill. Makes me feel better somehow. Mom wasn't home, so I left a message on her machine saying I'm sick and want some affection.

So about an hour later I get a call on our home line (which no one ever calls because who uses their home line when they have a cell phone?). It's Mom, and she's wondering how I am because she was "just thinking of me." I tell her of course she's been thinking about me; she got my message and was calling me back. Wrong. Apparently her answering machine is all wonky and doesn't let her receive most of her messages anyway. So she didn't even know I had called an hour before; she just knew she was thinking of me and had the urge to call.

I know what you're thinking - "So what? That doesn't mean jack squat; it's all coincidence." Ok, then smartypants, how about what happened the next day?...

I wanted to talk to Mom again, even though I had just talked to her the day before. Call it what you will, I just wanted to hear her voice. So I dialled her, thinking she was probably already out for the day, and wouldn't you know it, she was there. And astounded, because it turned out I had called her right as she was trying to think of an ending to a poem she was writing about me.


Mom read me what she had written so far in the poem, and it was all about me as a child and the adorable things I had done and how I am now "seven hours different and half a world away." Now, I don't know about you, but I got chills at that one. I couldn't believe I had the urge to call home right at the exact moment my mom was wracking her brain trying to finish a poem dedicated to me.

So, we're psychic, and that's that. Mom and I have a bond that transcends physical limitations and I think that's pretty darn cool.

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