Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blast from the Past

Today I ran into Ryan Lash in the Food Centre. Talk about your blast from the past! I knew this guy from when I was a toddler back in Milton, Ontario in the eighties. Crazy!

It's really interesting to see where the Baha'i youth I grew up with have ended up. Most of them (the ones I've been able to keep track of, anyway) have not really remained active as Baha'is. So it's refreshing to see when someone has stayed really active and faithful to Baha'u'llah. Inspiring.

Ryan is now a consultant who is invited to the World Centre every few months. I'm not sure exactly what he consults about, as that would be confidential, but it's nice to know I'll see a familiar face here every so often over the next couple of years.

Won't Mom be surprised when I tell her I ran into Vicki's son here in Israel... :)

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