Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm Back

I took a little trip home for a couple of weeks at the end of February. It was really nice to have some time off, but I'm still pretty exhausted. Doesn't seem like it was much of a vacation at times...
I got to go to some pretty neat places and see some wonderful old friends. I'm so glad I was able to see everyone again after almost a year abroad here in Israel.
Some highlights of my trip home include:
Going to see Dirty Dancing: the Musical with my sister and cousin in Toronto
Going to see Bon Jovi live in concert with my sister in Toronto
Eating delicious ice cream from the new Marble Slab Creamery in Stratford
Driving to London and seeing my friends' new houses (now that they're settled and domestic)
Getting ALL my pants altered because I've lost so much weight (yay!)

There was much, much more that I did, but I will have to blog about later it when I am not quite so incredibly jetlagged. I am SOOOOOOO tired right now; I may have to leave work early today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it back ok. :)