Sunday, August 17, 2008


I was fascinated the other day by a colony of ants trying to move a large, dead bug across a stone path. I noticed them because the dead bug was fluorescent green and there was a huge swarm of ants trying to figure out the best way to carry the bug back to their colony.

It was actually pretty amazing to watch - most of the ants were carrying the bug (which was about ten times their size) while a few others spread out around the group and tried to work together to find the path of least resistance back home. They kept running aground on bunches of pine needles, which to them must have been the size of fallen Sequoia trees. But they kept at it, and kept at it, and eventually they were able to walk the bug off the side of the stones and wedge it down into a crack where, I can only assume, they were about to devour it.

Gross, but an excellent example of unity nonetheless. If only we as humans were able to put aside our differences and work together for the common good. We'd be able to get all our dead bugs home to the colony to share...ok, that's gross again, but the metaphor still stands.

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